
World of warships free tier 8 cleveland
World of warships free tier 8 cleveland

It is and has always been an arcade style game. This game was never designed to be a simulator. It would take hours for a BB to get from a dead stop to full speed, and on and on and on.

world of warships free tier 8 cleveland

You would have aircraft carriers being able to attack ships from distances where those ships would have no chance to get in gun range, let alone return fire. In fact, you would probably not be reloading them at all. You would not be reloading torpedoes in less than two minutes, let alone in under a minute in some cases. You would have an historic accuracy of around a 3% accuracy with your guns. Damage would come with the loss of crew and the loss of efficiency. It would not occur over a few seconds at the press of a button. Likewise, you would have to head to a port to repair battle damage. If it were, you would not be putting out fires or stopping flooding instantly with the press of a button.

world of warships free tier 8 cleveland

First, they have never maintained that this game was supposed to be realistic.

World of warships free tier 8 cleveland